5 Things You Might Have Wondered About Compression Shorts

Joggers running in park

When it comes to running, compression shorts are one of the best tools in a runner’s arsenal. With their sophisticated technology and sleek design, compression shorts are perfect for aiding you in performance, reducing injury, and increasing comfort. 

If you’re just getting into running and have come across compression shorts, you likely have several questions. This article aims to run over some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding compression shorts as well as explain some of their pros and cons. 

By the way, if you’re still unsure about whether or not compression shorts are for you, I’ve written an entire article that covers their pros and cons. You can find it here. 

Why Do Sprinters Wear Compression Shorts?

Compression shorts can be worn by any type of runner. But when it comes to sprinters, there is some special interest. 

Studies have shown that compression shorts may help sprinters by slightly improving running economy, biomechanical variables, perception, and muscle temperature. Put simply, compression shorts can help keep sprinters cool and care and maintain the muscles around the areas they cover. 

I’m generally a long-distance runner. So I also did a quick search online to see if any other sprinters had anything to weigh in around compression shorts and the role they play in sprinting. After coming across this forum, it’s clear that compression shorts are pretty big in the sprinting world. Some of the sprinters who weighed in had this to say:

“While some people may still wear loose uniforms, they generally wear compression shorts and shirts underneath. The uniforms are just old.”


” Personal preference. Most elite sprinters wear compression shorts though.”


“Yeah, I would go with compression shorts since it creates less drag. (yes it sounds like a swimmer’s term, but it applies to sprinting also.)”


In addition to the benefits that the study suggests, I also think that compression shorts can be especially useful for sprinters who are wanting to get the biggest benefits out of the lesser drag that’s compression shorts offer.

Compression shorts are typically skin-tight and can help shave precious fractions of a second from a run when compared to baggier running shorts. You can learn more about the other kinds of running shorts by checking out this article I wrote. 

Do Compression Shorts Help Tight Hamstrings?

One of the most impressive claims that come from compression shorts is that they can potentially help reduce injury. So what about when it comes to tight hamstrings?

Experts believe that wearing compression shorts that cover the hamstrings can help increase blood flow around the affected area. In turn, this helps to keep the hamstrings warm and supple. Furthermore, compression shorts can increase the oxygen supply to the hamstrings, which can reduce lactic acid and help to remove any further tightness. 

It’s worth mentioning that when you’re trying to figure out if a pair of compression shorts will help with tight hamstrings, you need to first ask why you’re suffering from tight hamstrings. 

For example, if you’re suffering from tight hamstrings because of an issue with the skin, rather than the muscle, wearing a pair of compression shorts could potentially make your hamstrings worse rather than better, 

In addition to using a pair of compression shorts to help with tight hamstrings, it’s important to care for them in other ways. Sometimes the best way to deal with tight hamstrings is through rest and recovery. 

Furthermore, stretching the hamstrings is often the best way to relieve tightness. You can learn how to stretch your hamstrings for a run by checking out the video below:

Does Running In Compression Shorts Stop Sweat?

If you plan on wearing skin-tight compression shorts, you’re likely wondering what will happen to the sweat that builds up around your legs and groin. 

Compression shorts will not prevent sweat. Although many materials can help to keep the body cool, there is no sports clothing that will necessarily stop the body from sweating. 

However, a high-quality pair of compression shorts will generally come with breathable material that will wick sweat away and allow it to evaporate.

For these reasons, the best compression shorts are the ones that don’t absorb and retain water. When looking for the best material for compression shorts, I would reccomend going for something like spandex, nylon, polyester, or lycra. The idea around these materials is that they push any sweat that’s collected under the compression shorts to the surface where it then evaporates. 

With the above question in mind, runners must remember that trying to stop sweating is generally a bad idea. Sweating is perfectly normal and healthy when running and trying to stop it could lead to some serious problems. That being said, it’s a much more important question to be asking how much water should you be drinking when running. You can find the answer to that here. 

Can You Run In Only Compression Shorts?

Personally, I have no issue running in just compression shorts. However, many runners tend to wear compression shorts under a pair of traditional running shorts. This way, they can enjoy many of the benefits that compression shorts can have on their performance whilst also enjoying the look of a baggy pair of running shorts. 

There are even some traditional running shorts that have compression shorts built into them. These 2-in-1 compression shorts by Reebok are a pretty good example of this. Equipped with a zip pocket, they let you get the most out of both compression shorts and running shorts.

Reebok Women's Running Two-in-One Shorts in Black Size S - Running Clothing

Compression shorts are also commonly used by runners as if they are a pair of underwear. This is because high-quality compression shorts can help reduce chafing and act as the inner liner of running shorts. You can learn more about running shorts liners by checking out this article I wrote. 

When Is The Best Time To Run In Compression Shorts?

You can run in compression shorts whenever you feel like running. However, I would say that compression shorts are essential when you are running long distance. The reason I Favourite for this is that running for longer periods can increase the chances of picking up nasty injuries. Compressions are another tool in your arsenal that can help prevent this. 

Want to learn more about running shorts? Click here!


Hey, I'm Sam and I'm the creator of underdogrunning.com. I've been running myself for the past 5 years and can't get enough of it. I completed my first marathon back in 2020 in under four hours.

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