Banana Before Running… A Good Idea?

What do you eat before running? These days I like to head out early in the morning, so I usually don’t have much time for a big breakfast. What’s more, I don’t like to run on a full stomach, meaning a banana is usually my go-to. However, today I found myself wondering if eating a banana before running is really a good idea?

Studies show that eating a banana before running can help improve overall performance and recovery. This is because bananas are a high carbohydrate fruit that can help delay your glycogen stores from depleting. Put simply, eating a banana before running could help your run faster and longer. 

Although many other fruits, vegetables, and supplements are filled with nutrients that can help you run for longer, bananas come with some special benefits that are hard to find elsewhere. 

Why Is Eating A Banana Before Running A Good Idea?

Bananas and runners are such a great combination that numerous studies have been done to look into the benefits that bananas have on different aspects of running. Examples include performance, recovery and the long term positive effects on health. 

For example, when looking at the effect that starch from bananas has on endurance runners, one study found a direct link between consuming a banana and an increase in a runners performance and recovery. What’s more, another study compared bananas to possible alternatives by measuring the impact they had on athletic performance. The study found that whilst alternative foods may help a runner’s overall performance, bananas still remained the ideal choice. 

Unsurprisingly, there’s even more evidence that supports bananas aiding athletic performance when we look at the evidence for the benefits of bananas on athletes as a whole. 

Here’s a list of just a few of the many benefits that athletes can get from eating bananas alongside exercise:

  • They could reduce inflammation – When looking for an alternative to sports drinks, researchers found that bananas could potentially reduce inflammation in cyclists post-exercise. This could partially be due to the make-up of a banana which includes dopamine – something that can decrease oxidative stress in cyclists following a workout. 
  • They may help prevent cramps – Bananas contain magnesium and potassium, two ingredients commonly used as supplements to help prevent muscle cramps. 
  • Can aid Indigestion – For one thing, bananas are a low-acid fruit. For another, bananas can help coat the lining of your stomach. If you’re the type to get ten minutes into a 5K before feeling sick with indigestion, chances are eating a banana before running could do you a world of good. 

In addition to having a banana before running, they’re great to include in your diet on a daily basis. Whether you’re interested in running an ultra marathon or just looking for a light snack on your way to work, making bananas part of your diet can offer you these amazing health benefits:  

  • Bananas can help you lose weight- Although they don’t directly cause weight loss, the high fibre content in bananas means that bananas can do amazing things for your waistline. 
  • Bananas are great for the heart- Banana’s are filled with potassium, a mineral that has been proven to support elements of heart health like high blood pressure. 
  • Bananas are full of antioxidants- Gallacotechin and dopamine, just to name a few. These natural antioxidants are filled with goodness that can contribute to overall good health.
  • Bananas Are High In Electrolytes- Electrolytes are minerals that can be found in many different foods, including bananas, and are excellent for helping the body stay hydrated and controlling the balance of fluids. 

How Long Before A Run Should I Eat A Banana?

When considering how long you should wait to eat a banana before running, the guidelines really aren’t that different from any other meal or snack you may consider before heading out for a run.

The general rule for consuming food before running is to wait at least 30 minutes after a small snack such as a banana and anywhere between three to four hours for a full meal.

Bananas can probably be classed as a small snack, so I would put it into the 30 minutes category. This guideline exists because your body needs to process the food properly before undergoing a big exercise like running. 

Ignoring these guidelines will likely result in several indigestion problems like cramping and maybe even diarrhoea. Although eating a banana before running has benefits that can help combat indigestion, it’s still not advisable. 

Should I Eat A Banana After Running?

Just like eating a banana before running, there are some amazing benefits to eating a banana post-run. 

Eating a banana after running can help aid recovery whilst also helping in the fight against fatigue. Due to the high carbohydrate make-up, bananas can help to quickly replenish glycogen stores which are likely to be running low following a big workout. 

Similarly to eating food before a workout, the 30-minute rule does play a role in consuming your food after a run. However, where eating a banana before running requires waiting for 30 minutes, eating a banana post-run needs to be done within a 30-minute window. 

You need to make sure you can eat your banana as quickly as possible following a run because doing so can help ward off hunger and fatigue. Bananas don’t take any preparation and so can be available relatively quickly. This is great because it means that you could be enjoying a banana before being drawn to unhealthy processed foods.

How Many Bananas Should I Eat Before Running?

Experts recommend that when aiming for an ideal pre-run snack, it’s best to avoid eating above 300-400 calories. The average medium-sized banana has around 105 calories. With that in mind, it’s probably a good idea to consume an absolute maximum of four bananas.

If, for some crazy reason, you are about to set off for a big run and decided that four bananas aren’t going to cut it and you would like to eat, even more, a sensible person would recommend waiting anywhere between three and four hours before running. An even more sensible person would probably recommend eating something besides bananas before running at this point. 

In addition to consuming the right amount of calories, it’s also important to eat a wide range of different nutritious foods. Although bananas are great, runners should not avoid other high carb foods such as oats or toast to help them prepare for a big run.

Are Ripe Bananas Better To Eat Before Running?

Personally, I won’t eat a banana if it isn’t the “correct” level of ripe. To me, unripened bananas taste like sand, and overly-ripened bananas taste like mush. But is there a benefit to eating bananas at either end of the cycle?

It’s interesting to note that research has been done into exactly this. A study by Advanced Science Letters  focused on 12 healthy male recreational runners between the ages of 20 and 22. The study looked into how starch from bananas with different ripeness levels could impact the performance of the young runners by monitoring their time during 10,000 meters endurance runs. The study concluded that overall raw bananas lead to better results among the runners. 

When looking at their health benefits as a whole, it’s worth noting that both yellow and green bananas come with their pros and cons. According to Spoon University, whilst green bananas may be good for colon health, they do not have as many antioxidants as yellow bananas. What’s more, ripe bananas are easier to digest, probably an important thing when eating a banana before running. On the other hand, the riper the banana gets, the fewer nutrients it has. 

Can Runners Eat Too Many Bananas?

We’ve already discussed that eating more than four medium-sized bananas too close to a run could cause a few problems relating to issues such as indigestion and mean needing to wait a considerable amount of time before actually going out for a run. But generally speaking, is it possible for a runner to simply eat too many bananas?

The main risk associated with runners eating too many bananas is that their high sugar content could lead to a number of health problems for people susceptible to illnesses such as diabetes. 

There is also the additional risk of weight gain should you consume too many bananas. Don’t get me wrong, bananas are a much better addition to a diet than unhealthy processed food. Unfortunately, the goodness doesn’t make up for the weight you could gain from a calorie surplus. Other problems associated with eating too many bananas include dental issues and even constipation in some people. 

Should I Eat A Banana Before Running In The Morning?

This is a common question because many people skip breakfast or eat it following their run in the mornings. 

As a general rule, it is advised that you eat a light snack such as a banana before running in the morning when your run is going to exceed an hour. If you would prefer to avoid eating anything before a run, it is usually good practice to make sure that you run for no longer than an hour. 

The chances are that if you choose not to eat a banana before running in the morning, then you will be running in a fasted state. There is a lot of controversy in the health and fitness world as to whether or not doing fasted cardio is beneficial. 

Theoretically, without any food in your body to use as quick energy, your body will burn more fat instead. Although this could be the case, the best way to monitor your weight loss is simply by watching your calories. So if you’re waking up early for that morning run but feel held back by hunger, go ahead, eat that banana. 

Is It Good To Eat A Banana Before A Marathon?

Banana makes for great fuel when consumed as a light snack before running. However, is it necessarily the right option for longer runs where your body will be using up a lot of energy?

Eating a banana before long runs such as marathons is still beneficial. However, it is important to ensure that you have eaten a substantial meal around four hours before big runs. It may also help to make sure that you have taken an energy source that you can consume during your run. Examples include sports bars and gels. 

Hey, if you’re interested in getting some extra fuel during your run, check out these energy gels. Made by Sports In Science, these isotonic gels are great for getting carbs where they need to be during long runs.

Are Any Foods Better Than Banans For Eating Before Running?

Bananas before running are usually a great idea for the reasons listed above. However, bananas do not need to be the be-all and end-all when it comes to food that can fuel you before lacing up those running shoes. Check out the following foods that are also an excellent idea to consume before running:

  • Other Fruits – Fruits like apples and oranges are also easy to digest and, just like bananas, can offer a big burst of energy before a run in addition to helping with recovery.
  • Grains– These foods are high in carbs and make for excellent slow-burning energy during a workout. Interestingly there is even evidence to show that grains like oats could suppress appetite. 
  • Sports Drinks– It’s probably best to consume these drinks in moderation. Whilst sports drinks are a great choice for athletes looking for a quick and easy way to get some electrolytes in their diet and up their glycogen stores, it is usually better to try getting your energy from natural foods. 


Banans come with a wide range of health benefits and conveniences, all of which makes eating a banana before running a great idea. Bananas offer a generous amount of energy whilst being relatively low in calories and so can be consumed within half an hour of running. At the same time, eating bananas after running also comes with a great number of benefits that help aid recovery. It’s safe to say, adding bananas to a runners diet is certainly something that will benefit your workouts in the long run. 


Hey, I'm Sam and I'm the creator of I've been running myself for the past 5 years and can't get enough of it. I completed my first marathon back in 2020 in under four hours.

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