How Often Should You Wash Your Running Clothes?

I run almost every day of the week and I usually go through around three of four different changes of clothing. And yes, I smell sometimes. This made me wonder, am I washing my running clothes enough?

You should aim to wash your running clothes after every single use. As you exercise, your sweat picks up oils and bacteria from the skin causing excessive odour which is then left behing on your running clothes..

Avoiding washing your clothes after every single use can not only be bad for your general aroma. It can also be bad for your skin. It’s important to pay attention to the quality of your running clothes and make sure that you’re following the right guides to keep them clean.

Why Should I Keep My Running Clothes Clean?

According to experts, it isn’t actually the sweat that causes the smell in your running clothes. It’s the oil and bacteria that the sweat leaks out from your skin and sticks to your clothes. What’s more, as you go running and wear the same clothing, you are most likely to sweat on top of previous sweat. This means you are practically adding more of that oily bacteria to clothing that hasn’t yet had a chance to get rid of the same nasties that were there previously.

As you increase this oily residue within your clothing, you can only imagine that you’re going to be adding to the odour. The scary part is that you may not tell that the odour is getting worse before it’s too late. For example, I can’t imagine the person running on the treadmill next to you at the gym being too pleased once your new sweat slowly begins to combine with your old sweat and create one glorious stench. 

It’s important to remember that sweating, and therefore some bacteria, are a natural part of any runner’s workout. It should be expected that your running clothes will need constant maintenance. 

Suppose you run outside and figure that the smell doesn’t bother yourself in addition to those around you. In that case, it might also help to know that the oils and bacteria that are sealed in your clothing by sweat can also harm the quality of your running clothing. Personally, I would choose to spend some time with a washing machine rather than making my running clothing rougher and increasing the chances of irritating my skin. 

When it comes to washing your running clothes, hot water and detergent is usually the best option. Not only will you smell better when you’ve given your running clothes a thorough wash, but you will be doing your skin a favour too!

Follow These Basic Tips When Considering Washing Your Running Clothes:

  • Avoid fabric softener- Coating your clothing with fabric softener can seal bad smells and make it easy for them to return in full force during your next running session.
  • Try scent boosters- If you’re washing running clothing that you’ve gotten particularly sweaty in, it might be beneficial to increase some nice smells as well as getting rid of older ones. 
  • Pay Attention To Sport Type Fabrics- Surprisingly, according to Science Daily, clothes made out of materials such as polyester are far more smelly than similar clothing garments made out of cotton. The reason for this is that it is much easier for bacteria to grow on these materials, and therefore the chance of smelling is far greater. 

What’s The Best Detergent For Running Clothes?

When trying to find the right detergent for your running clothes, you might want to consider different things depending on your needs. Allergies, budget, sports specific, environmentally friendly, efficiency and effectiveness are all really important things to consider if you want to find the best possible laundry detergent for your clothes. 

At Underdog Running, we would like to recommend a heavy-duty detergent that was specifically created to combat the stink brought on by exercising. Check out our affiliate link to 2Toms Stink Free Sports Odour. Priced at only £17, this great detergent is designed to tackle any sports clothing item owned by both men and women!

Can I Hand Wash My Running Clothes?

You not only can. Sometimes you must! Running clothes come in various shapes and sizes, and many of them are designed to be ultra-light. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that they are especially delicate and contain types of materials that will get damaged by doing a normal wash.

Never fear. Washing clothes by hand is pretty straightforward. By running a bath or a sink with water, you can then pour in a small amount of detergent and ring the clothes out by hand. It also might help turn the clothes inside out first because it is the inside of your running clothes that will have had the initial contact with the sweat. 

Should I Wash My Running Clothes Separately?

Once again, the way that you wash your running clothes depends on the type of clothing concerned. One of the best ways to determine how delicate your running clothes are is to check the label. However, as a general rule of thumb, it’s usually best to wash your running clothes along with other synthetic fabrics. 

Where Should I Put My Running Clothes After A Workout?

Straight in the washing machine. If that’s not possible, try to find a place where the bacteria and dirt leaked onto your clothes cannot come in contact with anything else that could easily take on these odour-smelling bugs. Once again, wherever you decide to place your clothes, it’s usually a good idea to prepare them for a wash by turning them inside out so that all the dirt and oil can be dealt with directly by your washing detergent.

How Do I Wash My Running Shoes?

Running shoes come in various shapes and sizes, so it’s hard to give a single answer. A lot of washing machines do, in fact, come with a setting designed specifically for shoes and using this may be sufficient. That being said, a lot of running shoes come with a high price tag and if you’re anxious to place them in the hands of a washing machine, it’s likely to be a much better idea to wash your running shoes by hand with something like a sponge. 

If you are prepared to place your running shoes in the washing machine, it’s usually a good idea to place your shoes in a pillowcase which will prevent them from coming into any unwanted contact with the inside of the washing machine. 

When Should I Wash My Gym Clothes?

The moment that you come in the door or as soon as possible! Whether or not you can wash your running clothes immediately, it’s probably a good idea to change out of them as soon as possible so that your skin doesn’t continue to fall victim to the bacteria and bad smells bought on by sweat. 

Can I Machine Dry My Gym Clothes?

Your clothes will have specific guidelines as to whether or not you are able to machine dry them. However, a general rule is to avoid machine drying your running clothes at all costs because doing so is likely to seal in the odours that you have been trying to get rid of. If you are going to machine dry your clothes, you probably should do so at the absolute lowest setting.

Related Question

What Other Kit Should I Keep Clean?

In addition to keeping your running clothes clean, it’s important to pay attention to any items that have been in contact with your running clothes whilst they have been dirty. Workout kits such as running backpacks and other storage items are known to pick up the bacteria and odours your running clothing has been in contact with. 

In addition to a bad-smelling bag, you also run the risk of reintroducing your clean running clothes to the same bacteria and odour that they left behind in your running bag the last time they were there. A simple solution to this involves investing in cleaning products such as antibacterial wipes to keep the inside of your bag hygienic. 


Hey, I'm Sam and I'm the creator of I've been running myself for the past 5 years and can't get enough of it. I completed my first marathon back in 2020 in under four hours.

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